
Ts. JordanovSapundzhieviihts@bas.bg


The First International Summer School 

10-20 May 1973, Varna

1.В.В.Кафаров (V.V.Kafarov), Роль инженерной химии в химическом прогрессе. (Chemical Engineering and its Role for Chemical Progress).

2.Д.Еленков (D.Elenkov), Моделирование в инженерной химии. (Modelling in Chemical Engineering).

3.Л.Бояджиев (L.Boyadzhiev), Computers in Chemical Engineering.

4.Н.Колев (N.Kolev), Моделирование, оптимизация и проектирование абсорбционных насадочных колонн. (Modeling, Design and Optimization of Packed Absorption Columns).

5.Ив.Добревски (I.Dobrevski), Применение процессов йонообмена в современной промышлености. (Application of the Ion- Exchange Processes in Modern Industry).

6.J.Prochazka, Использование экстракционных колонн с внешной энергии в химической промышлености. (Application of Extraction Columns with Forced Agitation in Chemical Industry).

7.Т.Мишек (T.Mi?ek), Моделирование экстракторов с мешалками. (Modelling of Stirred Extractors).

8.П.Г.Романков (P.G.Romankov)Сушка. (Drying).

9.H.Angelino, Fluidizing in Modern Chemical Industry.

10.П.Г.Романков (P.G.Romankov), Новые исследования адсорб- ционных процессов. (Recent Investigations of Adsorbtion Processes).

11.М.Г.Слинько (M.G.Slynko), Общие принципы моделирования химических реакторов. Этапи моделирования. Математические моделы реакторов. Кинематическая модель. (GeneralPrinciplesofChemicalReactorsModellingStepsofModellingMathematical Modells of Chemical Reactors. KineticalModell).

12.В.С.Бесков (V.S.Beskov), Моделирование каталитических процессов в неподвижном слое. Процессы в пористом зерне катализатора. (Modelling of Catalytic Processes in Fixed Bed Reactors. Processes in a Porous Grain of Catalyst).

13.Хр.Бояджиев (Chr.Boyadjiev)Методыоптимизациивинженернойхимии. (Optimization Methods in Chemical Engineering).

14.В.В.Кафаров (V.V.Kafarov), Статистические методы оптимизации. (Statistical Optimization Methods).

15.Г.М.Oстровский (G.M.Ostrovski), Методы оптимизации сложных технологических схем. (Optimization of Complex Technological Processes).

16.В.С.Крылов (V.S.Krylov), Теоретические методы описания элементарных актов массопередачи в инженерной химии. (Theoretical Problems of Elementary Mass Transfer Processes in Chemical Engineering).

17.H.Brauer, Новые теоретические и экспериментальные исследования стационерного тепло- и массообмена на поверхности твердых и жидкостных сферических частиц. (Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Stationary Heat and Mass Transfer through the Surface of Solid and Fluid Spherical Particles).

18.С.М.Карпачева (S.M.Karpacheva)Пульсационнаяапаратура. (Pulsating Apparatus).

The Second International Summer School 

21-30 September 1976, Varna

1.П.Г.Романков (P.G.Romankov), Современные проблемы инженерной химии. (Present Problems in Chemical Engineering).

2.J.Ciborowski, Методы исследования процессов инженерной химии. (Methods of Research in Chemical Engineering Processes).

3.Д.Еленков (D.Elenkov), Проблемы окружающей среды и инженерная химия. (Chemical Engineering and Environment's Problems).

4.Хр.Бояджиев (Chr.Boyadjiev)Теорияподобия. (The Similarity Theory).

5.В.С.Крылов (V.S.Krylov), Проблемы теории массопередачи в системах с подвижными межфазными границами. (Problems in Mass Transfer Theory in Systems with Mobile Interfaces).

6.H.Brauer, Новые аппараты для массо-обменных процессов типа "газ-жидкость". (New Equipment Suited for Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Operations).

7.В.А.Малюсов (V.A.Malyusov), Проблемы тепло- и массо- переноса в процесах ректификации. (Problems in Heat and Mass Transfer in Distillation).

8.T.Misek, Моделирование экстракционных колонн. (Modelling of Extraction Columns).

9.J.Prochazka, Стохастические моделы противоточного движения диспергированной и непрерывной фаз. (Stochastic Models of Counter- Current Flow of Dispersed and Continuous Phases).

10.М.Г.Слинько (M.G.Slynko), Проблемы моделирования химических реакторов. (Problems in Chemical Reactors Modelling).

11.В.С.Бесков (V.S.Beskov), Последние достижения в области моделирования реакторов с неподвижным слоем катализатора и создание реакторов большой единичной мощности. (Recent Advances in Modelling of Catalyc Reactors with Fixed Bed and Design of Large Capacity Reactors).

12.H.Brauer, Гидродинамика и массообмен в смесительных аппаратах. (Fluid Dynamics and Mass Transfer Operations in Mixing Equipment).

13.V.Hlavachek, Стационарные процессы на катализаторах с монолитных и составных структур. (Steady State Operations of Monolithic and Composite Structures).

14.Хр.Бояджиев (Chr.Boyadjiev)Моделирование ХТС. (Modelling of Chemical - Technological Systems).

15.Г.М.Островский (G.M.Ostrovski), Проблемы оптимизации сложных ХТС. (Problems in Optimisation of Complex Chemical - Technological Systems).

16.В.В.Кафаров (V.V.Kafarov), Проблемы моделирования в инженерной химии. (Problems in Modelling in Chemical Engineering).

17.Н.Колев (N.Kolev), Достижения в области абсорбционных колонн с насадкой. (Advances in Absorption in Packed Bed Columns).


The Third International Summer School 

21-30 May 1979 ,Varna

1.Д.Еленков (D.Elenkov), Инженерната химия и проблемите на околната среда. (Chemical Engineering and Environmental Problems).

2.В.С.Крылов (V.S.Krylov), Проблемы математического описания процессов переноса в системах с интенсивным массообменом. (Problems in Mathematical Description of Transport Processes in Systems of High Mass Transfer Rates).

3.Г.Пеев (G.Peev), Процессы переноса в неньютоновских жидкостях. (Transport Processes in Non-Newtonian Liquids).

4.В.М.Платонов (V.M.Platonov), Достижения термодинамической теории ректификации. (Advances and Problems in the Thermodynamic Theory of Rectification).

5.H.Brauer, Problems and Advances in Gas Absorption.

6.Н.Колев (N.Kolev), Достижения и тенденции в развитии рабочих элементов абсорбционных и ректификационных колонн. (Advances and Trends in Development of Elements for Absorption and Rectification Columns).

7.С.Радев (S.Radev), Ив.Пенчев, Проблемы переноса импульса, тепла и массы для жидкой капилярной струи в системе несмешивающихся жидкостей. (Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer Problems for a Liquid Capillary Jet in Immiscible Liquid-Liquid System).

8.J.Prochazka, Математическое моделирование гидродинамики колонных экстракторов. (Mathematical Modelling of Hydrodynamics of Column Extractors).

9.Л.Бояджиев (L.Boyadzhiev), Моделирование противотоковых массообменных аппаратов. (Modelling of Counter-Current Mass Transfer Units).

10.М.Г.Слинько (M.G.Slynko), Моделирование каталитических процессов в псевдоожиженном слое. (Modelling of Catalytic Processes in Fluidised Bed).

11.R.Pohorecki, Применение диффузионной модели микросмешивания при проектировании химических реакторов.

12.Г.М.Островский (G.M.Ostrovski), Достижения и проблемы оптимизации химических систем. (Advances and Problems in Optimization of Chemical Systems).

13.К.Хартман (K.Hartmann), Синтез оптимальных ХТС для проведения тепло- и массообменных процессов и химических превращений. (Synthesis of Optimal Chemical-Technological Systems for Heat and Mass Transfer and Chemical Conversion Operations).

14.Хр.Бояджиев (Chr.Boyadjiev), Оптимальные расписания многоасортиментных ХТС. (Optimal Scheduling in Multiprocessing Chemical-Technological Systems).


The Forth International Summerschool

19-28 May 1982 ,Varna

1.Д.Еленков (D.Elenkov), Инженерната химия в България. (Chemical Engineering in Bulgaria).

2.Н.М.Жаворонков (N.M.Zhavoronkov), Химическая технология и материально-технический прогрес. (Chemical Technology and Technical Progress).

3.В.В.Кафаров (V.V.Kafarov), Современное состояние теории химико-технологических процессов. (The PresentState of the Theory of Processes in Chemical Technology).

4.R.BugarelModelling of Biphasic Heat and Mass Contactors. (was absent).

5.J.Bandrowski, Multi-Component Liquid-Liquid Diffusivities - New Calculational Approach.

6.A.Tolic, Stage Additivity Method and Its Application for Calculation of Counter-Current Extractors with Backmixing.

7.В.Крылов(V.S.Krylov), Теоретические основы интенсификации процессов межфазного обмена. (Fundamentals of Interphase Transfer Intensification).

8.Н.Колев (N.Kolev), Върху някои основни проблеми при създаване на високо ефективни абсорбционни колони с пълнеж. (Some Basic Problems in the Development of Absorption Columns).

9.Г.Калицин (G.Kalitzin)Hеобратимость тепло- массо-обменных процессов и их оптимизации. (Irreversibility of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes and Their Optimisation).

10.М.Г.Слинько (M.G.Slynko), Динамика химических процессов и реакторов. (Dynamics of Chemical Processes and Reactors). (was absent).

11.R.PochoreckiJ.Baldiga, New Developments in Modelling of Micromixing in Chemical Reactors (was absent). instead:Weiss.

12.H.Sawistowski, Distillation with Chemical Reaction.

13.M.Ringpfeil, Productivity and Energetic of Microbiological Processes.

14.H.Brauer, Новые тнехнологии для биологической обработки сточных вод. (New Technologies for Biologcal Treatment of Waste Water). (was absent) instead: J. Cermak

15.T.BlickleK.Polinski, New Aspects in the Research of Chemical Technologies.

16.Г.Пеев (G.Peev), Някои аспекти на хидромеханиката на ненютоновите течности. (Some Aspects of Non-Newtonian Liquids Hydromechanics).

17.J.Cermak, Experimental Analysis and Diagnosis of Multiphase Chemical Engineering Systems.insteadK.Hartman.

18.J.Horak, Temperature Control in Stirred Chemical Reactors.

19.Хр.Бояджиев (Chr.Boyadjiev), Термодинамична ефективност на ХТС. (Thermodynamic Efficiency of Chemical Engineering Systems).

20.K.Hartman New Approaches for Synthesis of Chemical Systems Flowsheets and Results of Their Application.


The Fifth International Summer School 

14-23 May 1985, Burgas

1.Д.Еленков (D.Elenkov)Инженерно-химичен подход в научно-приложната дейност.(Chemical Engineering Approach in Research and Applied Activity).

2.Н.Кулов (N.Kulov)Гидродинамика и массоперенос нисходящих двуфазных пленочно-дисперсных потоков.(Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Falling Two-Phase Film Dispertion Flows).

3.Л.Бояджиев (L.Boyadzhiev), Membrane Separation Processes.

4.B.Aecна(V.A.Cesna), Топлообмен и трение продольно обтекаемого цилиндра. (Heat Transfer and Friction on a Cylinder in Longitudinal Flow).

5.Ст.Радев (S.Radev), Течение и неустойчивость составных каппилярных струй.( Flow and Instability of Compound Capillary Jets).

6.Г.Пеев (G.Peev), Проблемы массопередачи в неньютоновских жидкостях.( Mass Transfer Problems in non-Newtonian Liquids).

7.R.Billet, Modeling of Mass Transfer under the Aspect of Separation of Heat Sensitive Mixtures.

8.G.CasamattaG.MuratetModelization of Extraction Column based on Drop Size Distribution: Simulation of Flooding Conditions.

9.J.BandrowskiM.Sciazko, Some Aspects of High Pressure Fluidization with the Allowance for Heat and Mass Transfer Processes.

10.M.Peyman,C.LaguerieH.Angelino,Modelling of the Transient Operation of a Multi-stage Fluidized Bed Heat Exchanger.

11.S.CobbinahC.LaguerieH.Gibert, Heat and Mass Transfer at the Outer Surface of Large Porous Solid Immersed in a Fluidized Bed of Fine Particles.

12.N.Kolev, Chemical Engineering Problems in the Design of High Efficiency Contact Economisers.

13.S.Weis,A.Castaneda, Separation of Uranium from Waste Water by the Liquid Membrane Process.

14.G.F.FromentModelling of Mass and Heat Transfer in Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors.

15.Махорин (Makhorin), Mathematical Modelling of Hydrocarbon. Conversion in Tubular Furnaces.

16.Yu.Matros, Unsteady Processes in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors.

17.R.Pohorecki, Gas Liquid Reactors: Modelling and Current Research Problems.

18.V.Stanek,Modelling of Influence of Hydrodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer on Chemical Reaction in Trickle Bed Catalytic Reactors.

19.J. Chermac, Some Applications of Microprocessors in the Experimental Analysis, Diagnostics and Control of Chemical Reactors.

20.J.C.Charpentier, Some New Trends in the Field of Gas-Liquid Multiphase Reactors.

21.J.Horak, New Trends in Control of Chemical Reactors in Batch Plants.

22.U.E.Viesturs, M.A. Rickmanis, New Trends in Fermentation Equipment Development.

23.B.HeinritzM.Ringpfeil, Dynamic Process Control for Microbiological Carbon Substance Conversion.

24.H. Michalski, Measurement and Control of the Biotechnological Process Parameters.

25.T.BlickleK.Tarjan, Mathematical Modelling of Complex Technical Chemical Systems by Hierarchical Models.

26.Chr.Boydjiev, Renovation of Chemical Engineering Systems.


The Sixth International Summer School 

15-23 May 1989, Varna

1.L.Boydzhiev, Chemical Engineering at the Turn of the Century.

2.V.E.Nakoryakov, Hydrodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Multiphase Media.

3.R. BilletModelling of Mass Transfer and Pressure Drop in Counter-Current Gas-Liquid Systems.

4.D.Ziolkowski, Heat and Mass mixing in Tubular Bed Apparatuses.

5.S.Radev, Problems in Hydrodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Some Modern Capillary Jet Technologies.

6.J.BandrowskiA.Kubicka, Analysis of Mass Transfer in Multicomponent Mixtures of Real Fluids.

7.N.N.KulovPhysico-Chemical Problems in Membrane Separation of Liquid Mixtures.

8.J. Horak, Monte-Carlo Methods in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

9.T. Misek, Selected Problems of Liquid Extractor Design.

10.Minchev, Extraction from Solid Materials- Calculatin and Control.

11.Zh.TassevModelling of the Efficiency of DistillationFlate Columns

12.Z.P.Shul'man, Viscosity, Plasticity and Elasticity as Factors in Convective Transport Processes in Rheological Complex Media.

13.G. Peev, On the Mass Transfer in Polymer Media.

14.Chr.Boyadjiev, Non-Linear Mass Transfer.

15.N.Kolev, The application of High-Efficiency Packed Columns for Treatment of Waste Gases and Effluents.

16.G.Casamatta, Adaptive Control - a Powerful Tool for Flexible and Polyvalent Processes in the Field of Fine Chemicals.

17.P.RibaH.Angelino, Modeling of Bioreactors.

18.Schugerl, Advances in Aerated Bioreactors.

19.E.ViestursJu.Ja.VanageM.A.Rikmanis, Design Principles (Construction, Modelling, Automation) of Fermenters.

20.M.RoustanD.BatailleV.Biogot,B.CapdevilleO.Hatzifotiadopu, Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer in Three-Phase Fluidised Bed Reactor.

21.J.C.van den Heuvel, Physical and Kinetic Characterization of Aggregated Biological Systems.

22.H.Michalski Mathematical Modelling of an Air-Lift Bioreactor with External and Internal Loops.

23.V.S.Beskov, Evaluation of Activity of Industrial Catalysts.

24.V.Stanek,TheImpottance of Non-Uniform Phases Flow Rates on the Processes in Fixed Bed.

25.Yu.S.Matros, Influence of the Spatial Non-Homogeneities on the Performance of Catalytic Reactors.

26.T.BlickleR.EgryTheModelling of Ion-Exchange.

27.N.N.SmirnovModelling of Ion-Exchange Reactors.

28.M.WagenknechtK.Hartman, Fuzzy Modelling and Expert Systems for Structure Synthesis.


The Seventh International Summer School 

19-25 September1995,Varna

552nd Event of the 

European Federation of Chemical Engineering

1.W.A.WakehamPhysics in Chemical Engineering.

2.L.Puigjaner, Perspectives for Process and Energy Integration in Batch Processes.

3.Chr.Boyadjiev, Theory of Scale-up in Chemical Engineering.

4.R.Billet,A.Daubner, Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer in Fluidized Packed Beds.

5.N.Kolev,K.Semkov and R.Darakchiev, Mathematical Modelling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Packed Bed Columns.

6.K.Schugerl, On-line Monitoring and Control of Biotechnological Processes.

7.U.ViestursM.Rikmanis, Bioreactors: New Trends in Design and Applications.

8.I.Sekoulov, Requirements, Strategies and Concepts by the Industrial Waste Water Treatment.

9.J.Zabrzeski, Mechanism of Wearing of Car Catalysis.

10.R.Mann and T.Dyakowski, Recent Developments in Electrical Techniques for Chemical Process Tomography.

11.J.Szymanowski, Adsorption and Association Phenomena in Solvent Extraction Systems.

12.C.Laguerie, Crystallization and Crystalline Processes to Produce Controlled-Properties Particles.

The Eighth International Summer School 

3-9 June 1998, Sozopol

1.J.Szymanowski, Surfactant EnhancedNon-Classical Extraction.

2.Chr.Boydjiev, Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamic Stability.

3.V.Bales, Engineering Aspects of Heterogeneous Biocatalysis.

4.J.M.Smith and ChrRuh, The Design and Operation of Vapour Generating Gas-Liquid Reactors.

5.R.Mann,J.P.Holden and D.S.Vlaev, Macro-Mixing and Partial Segregation in Stirred Chemical Reactors.

6.I.Fo?t and J.Medek, Axial Impeller with Aerodynamically Shaped Blades of Large Projected Area.

7.N.Kolev,A Possibility for Significant Improvement of Energy Efficiency by Applying Some Achievements of Chemical Engineering Science.

8.B.G.Lakatos,Modelling of Model-Based Design of Crystallization Systems.

9.J.Gyenis,Zs.Ulbert,J.Sz?pv?lgyi,T.Tanaka and Y.Tsui, Is Discrete Particle Simulation a Perfect Experiment in Particulate Systems?

10.G.M.Ostrovsky and Yu.M.Volin, Flexibility Analysis of Chemical Processes and Multiextremality.

11.V.?edivyM.SeveraP.Ditl, LDA/PDA Local Flow Characteristics in Mixed Suspension.

12.S.N.Agathos, Gas-Phase Pollutant Degradation in Essentially Dry Tubular Biofilm Reactor.


The Ninth International Summer School 

18-24 September 2001, Sozopol

International Workshop


Chemical Engineering Methods for Sustainable 

Use of Energy and Raw Materials

1.T. Schafer, C. M. Rodrigues, C. A. M. Afonso, J. G. CrespoNew Opportunities for Green Processing Using Pervaporation

2.S. Slavtchev, M. Hennenberg, M. A. Mendes-Tatsis, J.-C. LegrosInterfacialRheology and Marangoni Instability

3.Chr.BoyadjievNon-Linear Mass Transfer and Hydrodynamic Stability

4.B. Dencs, J. Gyenis and G. I.TardosParticle Size Control by Torque Measurements in Fluidized Beds during Drying and Granulation from Solutions

5.N. KolevNew Packing for Extremely Low Liquid Superficial Velocity

6.S.J. Stanley, T. Dyakowski and R. Mann, Some Recent Applications of Electrical Resistance Tomography to Stirred Vessel Mixing

7.GorakReactive Separation in Gas-Liquid Systems

8.H. SapoundjievHigh Potential Energy from Dilute Methane Emissions

9.J. SzymanowskiRecovery of Copper (II) by Solvent Extraction

10.V. BeschkovMethods for Treatment of Industrial Waste

11.L. BoyadzhievExtraction of Botanicals – New Horizonts

12.B D Crittenden, S P Perera, L Y Lee and A G?mezCrespo,Monolithic Adsorbents in Environmental Protection

13.L. PetrovNew Development in Environmental Catalysis

14.R. El Mamouni, R. Jacquet, P. Gerin and S. N. AgathosTrichloroethene and Nickel: Cleanup by Indigenous Anaerobic Bacteria

Ts. JordanovSapundzhieviihts@bas.bg

The Tenth International Summer School 

24-31 May 2004,Varna

International Workshop


a planned event of the BIOSAP project (financed by the 5th Framework Programme of European commission) 

1.V. BeschkovM.Natcheva, Ts. SapundzhievSome new Approaches in Microbial Denitrification of Wastewater

2.B. G. LakatosPopulation Balance Modelling of Interactive Multipopulations

3.G. PeevChemical Engineering in Microelectonics

4.Chr.BojadjievSome Theoretical Problems in Chemical Engineering

5.P. Kalitzova-KurtevaS. Slavtchev, M.-A. Mendes, Marangoni Convection in Binary Liquid-Liquid Systems in the Presence of Surfactants

6.L. A. PetrovModeling of the Kinetics of Complex Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions

7.R.Mann,E.Wabo and M. Kagoshima, Batch Stirred Vessel Mixing Evaluated by Visualised Reactive Tracers and Electrical Tomography

8.N. KolevJ. StichlmairAbout the Effect of Maldistribution in Packed Columns and it's Partial Reduction

9.Z. OlujicEquipment/System Design Related Research and Advances in Distillation Technology

10.H. Schmidt-TraubSeparation Processes for Biomaterials

11.V. BeschkovBasic Principles in Bioreactor Performance

12.S. N. AgathosNew Opportunities for the Treatment of Industrial Effluents Using White-Rot Fungi and their Enzymes
